Low Loss Coax Cable
Low Loss Coaxial Cable Overview:
MIG-400-Series Cable offers a high performance solution for radio frequency applications. This cable size is the most demanded and widely used coaxial cable in the wireless industry. This cable is also a replacement for RG 213 and RG 214/U.
Most of our OEM customers buy this cable in skid qty. If you need large qty of this cable, email us support@primuscable.com. We offer 27 spool skids at special price.
MIG-400 Ideal For drop-in replacement for RG-8/9913 Dielectric Cable, Jumper assemblies in wireless communications systems, Short antenna feeder runs, Applications requiring easily routed, low loss RF cables.
- Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
- Land Mobile Radio
- Antenna Cable Runs to Base Stations, Access Points (AP), Bridges or CPE
- Cabling between any Wi-Fi or WiMax antenna and the associated equipment (ViMax)
- Local Multi-Point Distribution System (LMDS)
- Multi-Channel Multi-Point Distribution Service (MMDS)
- Personal Communication Systems (PCS)
- Indoor or Outdoor Use
- Direct Bury or Tower Use
- Fixed Wireless
Detail Description
- Designed for low loss general purpose applications
- Flexible outer conductor for a superior bend radius
- More flexible than standard polyethylene jacketed LMR®
- UV resistant PVC jacket for indoor / outdoor use
- Offers the lowest loss of any flexible cable
- Excellent phase stability even with bending and through temperature variances
- 90db RF shielding for ultimate signal preservation
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